Acquisition Career Opportunities | Homeland Security
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  1. Homeland Security Careers
  2. Hiring Paths
  3. Acquisition Career Opportunities

Acquisition Career Opportunities

The Department of Homeland Security’s acquisition professionals are responsible for getting mission operators the products and services they need, when they need them, at fair prices while complying with complex laws and policies designed to make the acquisition and contracting process fair and transparent. Acquisition professionals are the business engines of mission enablement. They forge the business arrangements and contracts that connect the government’s mission needs with industry partners who deliver products and services to meet those needs. DHS acquisition careers are challenging, meaningful, and rewarding. Each year, DHS acquisition professionals oversee the responsible obligation of about $20 billion taxpayer dollars between government and industry. DHS strives to recruit, train, develop, and maintain a skilled workforce of about 13,000 certified acquisition professionals.

Last Updated: 03/19/2024
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