DHS Welcomes New Director of Tribal Affairs | Homeland Security
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DHS Welcomes New Director of Tribal Affairs

Release Date: January 16, 2014

Posted by Philip A. McNamara, Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs

The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of Intergovernmental Affairs is proud to welcome Dr. David Munro as its new Director of Tribal Affairs.  As the Tribal Affairs Director, Dr. Munro will lead and oversee the Department’s continuing efforts to coordinate and consult with the nation’s 566 federally recognized Tribes, further strengthening our government-to-government relationships. Dr. Munro will also serve as the main point of contact at DHS for engagement with Indian Tribes and the national Tribal associations and will coordinate and support the implementation of the DHS Tribal Consultation Policy.

Under this Administration, DHS and our components, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, have continued to engage tribal officials in regular and meaningful collaboration.

Coming from the Morongo Band of Mission Indians in Southern California, where he served as the Director of the Office of Emergency Management and Grants Administration since 2006, Dr. Munro brings a wealth of knowledge and extensive experience in working with Tribal governments, and an understanding of the unique relationship between the U.S. government and the nation’s Indian Tribes. In his previous role, Dr. Munro was responsible for the Tribe’s emergency management program, coordinating response, recovery, preparedness, and mitigation activities of the third largest Indian reservation in California.

Prior to his tenure at the Morongo Band of Mission Indians, Dr. Munro served in the City Manager’s Office in Yucca Valley, California. His duties included disaster preparedness, intergovernmental and legislative affairs program management, strategic planning coordination, grants management, and contract and franchise management.

Following a ten year career in the United States Marine Corps, Dr. Munro received an appointment as an Environmental Protection Officer for the Department of the Navy.

Dr. Munro earned his Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration with a specialization in Homeland Security Policy and Coordination. His dissertation and research work focused on Tribal homeland security grant allocation processes. He also holds an MBA and is a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM®).

We are excited to have Dr. Munro here at DHS, and we look forward to continuing our commitment to working with tribes and tribal governments to make our nation more safe, secure and resilient.

Last Updated: 08/07/2024
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