Combating Human Trafficking with the Help of International Partners | Homeland Security
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Combating Human Trafficking with the Help of International Partners

Release Date: February 28, 2014

Secretary Johnson and Colombian Minister of Foreign Relations Holguin

This morning, Secretary Jeh Johnson and Colombian Minister of Foreign Relations Maria Angela Holguin signed a Joint Statement between the United States Department of Homeland Security and the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Combating Trafficking in Persons.

The Joint Statement outlines shared principals with respect to regional security, economic integrity, and liberty for all persons, as well as both countries’ intention to continue collaboration against trafficking by increasing joint law enforcement efforts against criminals engaged in these activities. 

Additionally, the Joint Statement underscores the importance of regional partnership, sharing existing resources and best practices, and working collaboratively to strengthen support infrastructures.

Secretary Johnson and Colombian Minister of Foreign Relations Holguin

Today’s signing further demonstrates our commitment to combating human trafficking and eliminate this terrible scourge. Learn more about the Department’s engagement with our international partners here.

Last Updated: 08/07/2024
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