International Engagement | Homeland Security
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International Engagement

The activities essential to secure the United States are not limited to the territory of the United States and involve causes and effects generated beyond U.S. borders. The Department's success requires cooperation with foreign governments, multilateral organizations, and other international partners.

The Office of Policy (PLCY) coordinates DHS's international activities to advance the Department's strategic and policy objectives and raise security standards globally across the full range of the Department's missions, whereas DHS's operational components cooperate with international partners in furtherance of their specific missions. International engagement includes close cooperation with partners around the world in the following areas:

  • counterterrorism and terrorism prevention
  • law enforcement
  • information sharing
  • aviation security
  • customs regulation
  • border security operations
  • cybersecurity
  • countering violent extremism
  • humanitarian support related to mass migration
  • human trafficking
  • emergency response

Last Updated: 05/30/2023