Statement by Deputy Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas on the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 | Homeland Security
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Statement by Deputy Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas on the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015

Release Date: June 2, 2015

For Immediate Release
DHS Press Office
Contact: 202-282-8010

I applaud the Congress for its bipartisan support and passage of the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015. Under the leadership of Secretary Johnson, we will work quickly and comprehensively to fulfill the promise of this new law, which improves upon the efforts of several federal departments and agencies to combat human trafficking, and establishes two new provisions to further the Department of Homeland Security’s efforts.

The Act recognizes and authorizes ongoing activities of the Human Exploitation Rescue Operative Corps – a program currently operating within the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) – which recruits and trains wounded, ill, or injured active duty service members and military veterans for employment to support law enforcement in the area of child exploitation. The Act also formally authorizes ICE’s Cyber Crimes Center, which plays an integral role in supporting cyber investigations related to child exploitation, online financial fraud and identity theft. Additionally, under the new law, relevant DHS personnel will receive regular training on how to effectively deter, detect, and disrupt human trafficking.   

These provisions are significant as we advance our efforts every day to combat human trafficking. The DHS Blue Campaign will continue to unite the efforts of our components, working in collaboration with law enforcement, government, non-governmental and private organizations, to protect the basic right of freedom and to bring those who exploit human lives to justice.


Last Updated: 09/21/2018
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