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Science & Technology (S&T) Office FOIA Releases


Beginning August 2, 2015, DHS will conduct a six-month pilot to test the feasibility of publishing records released to individuals under the FOIA on our website, except those that fall under the Privacy Act of 1974.  Basically, a release to one person will result in a release to everyone.  Any records requested after July 6, 2015, may be posted here in the FOIA Library.  Comments or concerns may be sent to

Attachment Ext. Size Date
FY2007 National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center Sponsoring PDF 2.33 MB
FY2009 Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute (HSSAI) PDF 5.27 MB
FY2009 MITRE Sponsoring Agreement PDF 1.21 MB
Last Updated: 05/31/2022
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