Tribal Resource Guide | Homeland Security
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Tribal Resource Guide


Tribal nations are critical partners in our homeland security efforts, and DHS’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA) is committed to strengthening the Department’s relationship with tribal nations. IGA’s mission is to promote an integrated national approach to homeland security by coordinating and advancing federal interaction with state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments. IGA is responsible for continuing the homeland security dialogue with executive-level partners at the SLTT levels, along with the national associations that represent them; and is the designated lead for tribal relations and consultation at the Department.

DHS’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs developed this guide to highlight some of the DHS resources available to tribal nations to keep our nations safe and secure. This document summarizes and provides links to training, publications, guidance, alerts, newsletters, programs, and services available from across the Department to federally-recognized tribal nations. This document is not exhaustive and will be maintained as a living document.

The resource guide is organized by component and resource type, and serves as a starting point for locating DHS resources for tribal leaders and their staff. A comprehensive index is available to facilitate locating resources within the document.

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Tribal Resource Guide PDF 751.65 KB
Last Updated: 01/21/2025
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