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The President's NIAC Membership

The President's National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) is the only executive council that examines cross-sector critical infrastructure security and resilience issues and provides recommendations to the President on how to secure the nation's infrastructure. The Council includes up to 30 senior executives appointed from across the critical infrastructure sectors who volunteer their time to examine these serious issues for the President. Members draw upon their deep experience, engage national experts, and conduct extensive research to discern the key insights that lead to practical federal solutions to complex problems. The Council's wide representation of owners and operators from multiple critical infrastructure sectors enables it to effectively identify cross-sector risks and practical ways to mitigate them.

Current members of The President's National Infrastructure Advisory Council - 

Mr. Adebayo Ogunlesi, NIAC Chair

Ms. Maria Lehman, NIAC Vice Chair

Mr. Martin Adams

Mr. Alan Armstrong

Mr. Manu Asthana

Ms. Camille Batiste

Ms. Madhu Beriwal

Ms. Deneen DeFiore

Mr. Josh Descant

Dr. Christine Fox

Mr. David Gadis

Mr. David Grain

Mr. Michael Hayford

Ms. Constance Lau

Dr. Norma Jean Mattei

Ms. Clara Pratte

Mr. Gil Quiniones

Mr. Jorge Ramirez

Mr. Pasquale Romano

Dr. Beverly Scott

Dr. Patricia Sims

Mr. Kurt Summers

Mr. Luis “Vance” Taylor

Mr. Tony Thomas

Dr. Conrad Vial

Mr. Sadek Wahba

Mr. Chris Wiernicki

Ms. Audrey Zibelman