No.,Financial and Activity Report (sheet 2 of 2),,,,, ,Major Completed Actions (short bulleted list of the major actions taken in the last week),Major Planned Actions (short bulleted list of the major planned actions in the last week),,,, 1,CBP:,"CBP:• By the end of March, CBP expects to outlay an additional $500,000 for Land Ports of Entry; $600,000 for Non-Intrusive Inspection equipment; and $12,000 for Tactical Communications. ",,,, 2,TSA:,"TSA: • By the end of March, TSA expects to outlay an additional $5 million for security technologies. • In March, TSA used ARRA funds to deploy Reduced Size Explosive Detection Systems (RSEDS) at 2 airports; and plans to use ARRA funds to deploy RSEDS at 1 airport. • In April, TSA plans to use ARRA funds to deploy Reduced Size Explosive Detection Systems at 3 airports; and deploy Medium Speed Explosive Detection Systems at 3 airports. • In April, TSA plans to use ARRA funds to begin installation of closed circuit television (CCTV) equipment at 1 airport. • In May, TSA plans to use ARRA funds to deploy Reduced Size Explosive Detection Systems at 8 airports; and deploy Medium Speed Explosive Detection Systems at 2 airports. • In May, TSA plans to use ARRA funds to begin installation of closed circuit television (CCTV) equipment at 2 airports; finish installation of CCTV equipment at 1 airport; and close-out the CCTV project at 1 airport. ",,,, 3,USCG:,"USCG:• By the end of March, the Coast Guard expects to outlay an additional $1.2 million for cutter and facilities modernization. • By the end of March, the Coast Guard expects to outlay an additional $1.4 million for the Alteration of Bridges projects that include the Galveston Bridge in Texas, Burlington Bridge in Iowa and EJ&E Bridge in Illinois. The Coast Guard has already outlayed 100 percent of the $14.6 million for the Mobile Bridge project in Alabama. ",,,, 4,FEMA:,FEMA:,,,, 5,DHS HQ:,"DHS HQ:• By the end of March, DHS Headquarters expects to outlay an additional $600,000 for the St. Elizabeths Headquarters consolidation project.",,,, 6,ICE:,ICE:,,,, 7,"• On March 21st, FPS awarded $381,564 for armed guard services during ARRA-funded construction at the John W. Peck Federal Building and the Joseph P. Kinneary U.S. Courthouse in Ohio. FPS received this funding through an interagency agreement with GSA. • On March 23rd, FPS awarded a $2,587,500 Interagency Agreement to the FBI for conducting fingerprint identifications for employee applicants. ","• In March, FPS plans to make an award for armed guard services during ARRA-funded construction at the Wilkie Federal Courthouse in Miami, FL. FPS received this funding through an interagency agreement with GSA. ",,,,