No.,Financial and Activity Report (sheet 2 of 2),,,,, ,Major Completed Actions (short bulleted list of the major actions taken in the last week),Major Planned Actions (short bulleted list of the major planned actions in the last week),,,, 1,CBP:,"CBP: • In July, CBP expects to outlay an additional $1.1 million for Land Ports of Entry and $1.54 million for Non-Intrusive Inspection equipment. ",,,, 2,TSA:,"TSA: • In July, TSA expects to outlay an additional $20 million for security technologies. • In July, TSA plans to use ARRA funds to deploy In-line Medium Speed Explosive Detection Systems at 1 airport • In July, TSA plans to use ARRA funds to finish installation of CCTV equipment at 1 airport; finish installation and close-out the CCTV project at 1 airport; and close-out the CCTV project at 1 airport • In August, TSA plans to use ARRA funds to deploy Reduced Size Explosive Detection Systems at 1 airport and deploy In-line Medium Speed Explosive Detection Systems at 2 airports. • In August, TSA plans to use ARRA funds to begin installation of closed circuit television (CCTV) equipment at 1 airport; and finish installation of CCTV equipment at 1 airport • In September, TSA plans to use ARRA funds to finish installation of CCTV equipment at 1 airport and close out the CCTV project at 3 airports ",,,, 3,USCG:,"USCG: • In July, the Coast Guard expects to outlay an additional $4.2 million for cutter and facilities modernization. To date, 39 of the 40 cutter engineering changes are complete and the final installation is scheduled to begin in August. Three of the 12 facilities modernization projects have completed construction and are in the contract close-out process. • In July, the Coast Guard expects to outlay an additional $1.2 million for the Alteration of Bridges projects that include the Galveston and EJ&E Bridges. The Coast Guard has already outlayed 100 percent of the $14.6 million for the Mobile Bridge project in Alabama and 100 percent of the $36.4 million for the Burlington Bridge project in Iowa. ",,,, 4,FEMA:,FEMA:,,,, 5,DHS HQ:,DHS HQ:,,,, 6,ICE:,ICE:,,,, 7,FPS: ,"FPS:• In July, FPS plans to award an order for armed guard services during ARRA funded construction at the Old Stone Print Bldg. in Roanoke, VA. FPS received this funding through an interagency agreement with GSA. ",,,,