No.,Financial and Activity Report (sheet 2 of 2), ,Major Completed Actions (short bulleted list of the major actions taken in the last week),Major Planned Actions (short bulleted list of the major planned actions in the last week) 1,CBP:,CBP: 2,- No major completed actions to report this week.,- No major planned actions to report this week. 3,"- CBP had outlays of approximately $589,000 for port modernization activities during the week of 10/11/2011.",- No major planned actions to report this week. 4,- Tactical Communications: - No major completed actions to report this week. Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII): - No major completed actions to report this week.,- Tactical Communications: - El Paso focus area: Engineering design review (EDR) and anticipated SAIC notice to proceed for land mobile radio (LMR) acquisition. Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII): - No major planned actions to report this week. 5,"DHS MGMT - No changes in obligations or outlays. ARRA funds retained by DHS for execution have been fully expended. The USCG Headquarters construction continues with placing 4,000 cubic yards of concrete last week for a total of 162,000 cubic yards to date. Brick work on Building 1 is progressing with west facades of Buildings 1A and 1B completed and 1C nearly completed. Green (planted) roof installation started with soil installation on Building 1. Other roof work continues on Building 2. Window and curtain wall, prefabricated mechanical assembly, and drywall installation continue in Buildings 1 and 2. Garage electrical and mechanical rooms are being roughed in and mechanical trunk and branch duct installation continues. On the Phase 1B Renovation of 6 historic buildings for Adaptive Reuse, Building 31’s (Credit Union/Coast Guard Historian) rehabilitation is progressing with the installation of the 2nd story steel framing system and floor decking, backfilling the exterior foundation, and starting lead abatement of the exterior cornice and window opening. Completed excavation of Building 33’s (Dining Hall) electrical equipment room and demolished last remaining section of 1st floor concrete slab. Completed casting Building 37’s (Auditorium) North elevator pit and completed the North basement under slab mechanical, electrical and plumbing rough in.","DHS MGMT - GSA continues to evaluate contract options and rescheduled the award of the DHS Operations Centers Block A tenant fit-out contract for late October 2011. GSA Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) is scheduled to award the non-Blanket Purchase Agreement items (high density filing system, miscellaneous equipment, etc.) during the first quarter of FY2012." 6,"ICE - Atlas Tactical Communications Project 25 (P25) Regions 2 and 3 contractor placed orders for subscribers and infrastructure equipment on September 30, 2011. Lease pkgs continue to be submitted.","ICE - Atlas Tactical Communications Project 25 (P25) Regions 2 and 3 contractor has submitted approximately 33% of its lease applications for new site leases, and is continuing to prepare additional site lease applications." 7,NPPD - GSA has provided funding and properly executed agreements for $18.9 Million. $20k of this is currently working through the procurement process.,NPPD - none 8,"TSA - TSA's outlays increased by approximately $1.1M due to an advanced surveillance project (CCTV/ASP) OTA at SLC airport ($528.9K), as well as an increase in the System Integrator contract outlays ($552.4K).",TSA - none