The Privacy Office enables the Department to accomplish its mission while embedding and enforcing privacy protections and transparency in all DHS activities. All DHS systems, technology, forms, and programs that collect personally identifiable information or have a privacy impact are subject to the oversight of the Chief Privacy Officer and the requirements of U.S. data privacy and disclosure laws. The Chief Privacy Officer is also the Chief FOIA Officer, and oversees FOIA policy, program oversight, training, and the efficacy of the DHS FOIA program. Learn more about privacy at DHS.
Privacy Principles
The Privacy Office works with every DHS Component to ensure that privacy considerations are addressed when planning or updating any program, system, or initiative by using the DHS Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPP), our framework for identifying and mitigating privacy risks.
We built a robust privacy program by using a wide variety of policy, compliance and educational tools that together implement the FIPPs across the Department.