Washington, D.C. – U.S. Secret Service director Mark Sullivan addresses participants in Cyber Storm III—a three-day long, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sponsored exercise which brings together a diverse cross-section of the nation’s cyber incident responders to assess U.S. cyber response capabilities. The goal of the exercise is to examine and strengthen collective cyber preparedness and response capabilities, involving thousands of participants across government and industry.
Washington, D.C. – A Cyber Storm III exercise participant briefs Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute during the exercise kickoff at U.S. Secret Service headquarters in Washington, D.C. Participants include representatives from seven Cabinet-level departments, the White House, law enforcement and intelligence communities, 11 states, 12 international partners and 60 private sector companies.
For more information on Cyber Storm III, click here. For more information on the progress DHS has made in strengthening cyber preparedness and response capabilities, click here.