“Stop. Think. Connect.” PSA Challenge Deadline Just One Month Away | Homeland Security
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“Stop. Think. Connect.” PSA Challenge Deadline Just One Month Away

Release Date: January 14, 2011
The deadline for the Stop.Think.Connect. campaign’s PSA Challenge is fast approaching! We need your help to get the word out about the importance of staying safe online. Launched in November, the PSA Challenge is looking for creative videos that will help educate Americans about Internet safety and what we can all do to protect ourselves and our families online.

All videos must be submitted by February 14, 2011. The winning public service announcement videos will be posted on the Department of Homeland Security’s Stop. Think. Connect. website and will be used to help promote the campaign. Click here to learn more about the PSA Challenge, or view the video from White House Cyber Coordinator and Special Assistant to the President, Howard Schmidt, to find out how you can enter.
Last Updated: 06/27/2022
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