Stop. Think. Connect. Campaign Teams Up With D.A.R.E America | Homeland Security
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Stop. Think. Connect. Campaign Teams Up With D.A.R.E America

Release Date: July 26, 2011
Posted by the Stop. Think. Connect. Campaign

Today, the DHS Stop.Think.Connect. Campaign announced a new partnership with Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) America to protect millions of children from online threats by encouraging internet safety.

Using the resources of the largest child safety program of its kind in the world, the Stop.Think.Connect. Campaign will train D.A.R.E. officers to talk to kids and parents in their communities about cybersecurity, and provide them with the Stop.Think.Connect. Community Outreach Toolkit - an all-inclusive resource with simple tips and tools they can use to stay safe while using the Internet.

DHS remains committed to encouraging all Americans to take an active role in promoting online safety. In the coming months, DHS will continue to expand the Stop.Think.Connect. Campaign to encourage Americans to keep themselves, their families, and their friends safe and secure online.

For more information visit D.A.R.E. America and the Stop. Think. Connect. Campaign.
Last Updated: 08/07/2024
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