Every December, in recognition of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Month, we take the opportunity to engage public and private sector stakeholders, as well as the general public, to promote a safe, secure, and resilient nation.
Critical infrastructure is the backbone of our country’s national and economic security. It includes everything from power plants, chemical facilities and cyber networks, to bridges and highways, stadiums and shopping malls, as well as the federal buildings where millions of Americans work and visit each day.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) works regularly with business owners and operators to take steps to strengthen their facilities and communities. Through the Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS provides a number of training programs designed to assist critical infrastructure owners and operators in protecting their facilities. The Department also conducts onsite risk assessments of critical infrastructure and shares risk and threat information with state, local and private sector partners.
Throughout December and beyond, please take a moment to think about the infrastructure upon which we rely daily and so often take for granted– the power we use, transportation we take, bridges we cross, and communication systems we use to stay in touch with friends and family. Next, look for ways to get involved in your community. Together, we can work to create a safer, more secure and more resilient nation.
For more information about Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Month, click here.