Statement By Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Regarding The DHS Inspector General’s Report | Homeland Security
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Statement By Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Regarding The DHS Inspector General’s Report

Release Date: March 24, 2015

For Immediate Release
DHS Press Office
Contact: 202-282-8010

While I disagree with the Inspector General’s report, I will certainly learn from it and from this process. I appreciate and embrace Secretary Johnson’s decision to create a new protocol to ensure the EB-5 program is free from the reality or perception of improper outside influence.

As the leader of U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services, I had the responsibility to ensure that cases, including the three that are the focus of the report, were decided as the law required and that agency errors were corrected. I fulfilled that responsibility and I also took steps to ensure that my involvement was understood by those around me.

The EB-5 program was badly broken when I arrived at USCIS. There was erroneous decision-making and insufficient security vetting of cases. I could not and did not turn my back on my responsibility to address those grave problems. I made improving the program a priority and I did so in a hands-on manner, through cases, policies, and sweeping personnel and organizational changes.

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Last Updated: 09/20/2018
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