By: Chip Fulghum, Deputy Under Secretary for Management/Chief Financial Officer

DHS was able to expedite the hiring process, interview hundreds of potential candidates, and immediately extend tentative job offers to over 150 talented entrepreneurs, computer scientists, engineers, and problem solvers. DHS employees also hosted an exhibition hall, where visitors were able to learn about how cyber and tech professionals support the DHS mission. In addition to the exhibition hall, we held several “Find and Apply” and “Improving your Federal Resume” sessions. Each session provided a great opportunity for participants to learn more on the Federal hiring process. Over 400 employees from across DHS volunteered for the event and helped make it a success.

Deputy Secretary Mayorkas and Deputy Under Secretary for Management/Chief Financial Officer, Chip Fulghum participate in a cyber demonstration at one of the several Component exhibits.

Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas greets DHS employees and visitors at the DHS Cyber and Tech Job Fair, July 27.

Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Deputy Under Secretary for Management/Chief Financial Officer, Chip Fulghum address participants at the DHS Cyber and Tech Job Fair, July 27.
We are excited to welcome these new employees to DHS, and welcome all those who could not attend to visit for more information about future opportunities. DHS is committed to building a world-class cyber workforce. Candidates who received tentative job offers will have an opportunity to serve our nation and make a difference for millions of Americans.
For more information on careers at DHS, visit