Honoring Women and Recognizing their Contributions During Women's History Month | Homeland Security
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Statement by Secretary Kelly On Honoring Women and Recognizing their Contributions During Women's History Month

Release Date: March 2, 2017

Each March, we celebrate Women’s History Month—a time to recognize the extraordinary achievements of American women. This year’s theme: “Honoring Trailblazing Women in Labor and Business” pays homage to the courage and perseverance of women who challenged the antiquated perceptions of their contributions and value in the paid labor force, defying societal norms and improving working conditions and wages for all women.

In keeping with this year’s theme, we honor the extraordinary women of DHS leading the charge of safeguarding our homeland and our values. Here at DHS, women in civil service are leading in remarkable ways—shaping public policies, securing and managing our borders, preventing and obstructing terrorist and public safety threats, and protecting our nation’s cyber networks and critical infrastructure. Every day, women of DHS are inspiring future leaders in the homeland security enterprise.

We also honor the men and women of DHS who work tirelessly to uphold the rights of women who are victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, and other crimes. Through the work of the Blue Campaign, DHS’s unified voice to combat human trafficking; the DHS Council on Combating Violence Against Women; FLETC’s international Women In Law Enforcement Leadership Training Program; and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ immigration relief for victims of crimes, to name just a few, DHS provides resources for the safety and empowerment of women throughout the United States

I am very proud to work with such a remarkable group of women who contribute to the mission of DHS, and who continue to overcome barriers each and every day. Please join me as we honor women who blazed trails in labor, business, and government, and who are creating pathways for future generations.


John F. Kelly
Secretary of Homeland Security

With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.

Last Updated: 02/05/2021
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