Administration's Fiscal Years 2017 Budget Amendment and 2018 Budget Requests Advance DHS Operations | Homeland Security
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Administration's Fiscal Years 2017 Budget Amendment and 2018 Budget Requests Advance DHS Operations

Release Date: March 16, 2017

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010

WASHINGTON—The president’s Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 and Budget Blueprint for FY 2018 were delivered to Congress today.  The FY 2017 Budget Amendment includes $3 billion for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to implement Executive Orders that strengthen border security, enhance enforcement of immigration laws, and ensure public safety in communities across the United States.  The FY 2018 Budget Blueprint highlights the Administration’s priorities and requests $44.1 billion in discretionary budget authority for DHS, a $2.8 billion or 6.8 percent increase from the FY 2017 annualized Continuing Resolution level.  A comprehensive budget request for FY 2018 will be delivered to Congress in May.

DHS is charged with ensuring the security of the U.S. borders, supporting the integrity of its immigration system, protecting air travelers and national leaders, reducing the threat of cyber attacks, and standing prepared for emergency response and disaster recovery.  The president has renewed the national focus on the Department’s law enforcement missions through recent Executive Orders on border security and immigration enforcement.  Together, the FY 2017 Budget Amendment and the FY 2018 Budget Blueprint provide the resources necessary to carry out the Department’s broad mission set and advance the priorities set forth by the president.

“The president’s budget requests demonstrate a renewed focus on supporting the hard work of the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security,” said Secretary of Homeland Security John F. Kelly.  “We are committed to carrying out the Department’s mission in a way that maximizes the use of taxpayer dollars while focusing on the security and law enforcement efforts that keep the American people safe.”     

The FY 2017 Budget Amendment would provide $3 billion for DHS implementation of recent Executive Orders.  The request would fund efforts to plan, design, and construct a physical wall along the southern border, and make other critical investments in tactical border infrastructure and technology.  The request also proposes funding to increase immigration detention capacity, which is necessary to ensure the removal of illegal aliens from the United States.  Finally, the request funds additional capacity at DHS to prepare for hiring additional immigration law enforcement officers and agents.

In today’s fiscal environment, the Secretary remains committed to a continued review of DHS programs with a concentration on efficiency and effectiveness while maximizing each dollar invested in the Department.  Funding highlights include:  

  • Funds hiring of 500 new Border Patrol Agents and 1,000 new ICE law enforcement personnel, plus associated support staff.
  • Provides a further investment of $2.6 billion for high priority tactical infrastructure and border security technology, including funding to continue planning, designing, and constructing a border wall.
  • Provides $1.5 billion above the 2017 Annualized CR level to expand detention, transportation, and removal of illegal immigrants.
  • Invests $15 million to begin implementation of mandatory nationwide use of the E-Verify Program.
  • Includes $1.5 billion for DHS activities that protect federal networks and critical infrastructure from an attack.
  • Sustains current funding levels for the U.S. Coast Guard, which allows for the continuation of day-to-day operations and investments in the Acquisition, Construction, & Improvements account. 
  • Restructures user fees for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to ensure that the cost of government services is not subsidized by taxpayers who do not directly benefit from those programs.
  • Reduces Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administered grants, saving $667 million; additionally the budget proposes establishing a 25% non-federal cost match for FEMA preparedness grants that do not currently require a non-federal match.

For more information, see the Budget Blueprint and Amendment.


Last Updated: 02/05/2021
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