Today, Claire M. Grady, Acting Deputy Secretary offered the President her resignation effective tomorrow. For the last two years, Claire has served this Department with excellence and distinction. She has been an invaluable asset to DHS – a steady force and a knowledgeable voice.
In addition to serving as the Department’s Deputy for the last year, she served as the Under Secretary for Management overseeing all aspects of the Department’s management programs, including financial, human capital, information technology, procurement, physical security and asset management. Claire has led the men and women of DHS who support our operational personnel by providing the overarching business management structure for the Department, while eliminating redundancies and reducing costs. Her sound leadership and effective oversight have impacted every DHS office and employee and made us stronger as a Department.
Clair has led a remarkable career in public service – 28 years at the Departments of Homeland Security and Defense – that is coming to a close. I am thankful for Claire’s expertise, dedication and friendship and am filled with gratitude for her exemplary service to DHS and to our country. I wish her all the best in her future endeavors.
Warmest regards,
Kirstjen M. Nielsen
Secretary of Homeland Security
With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.