Jonathan Rath Hoffman | Homeland Security
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Jonathan Rath Hoffman

As Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Jonathan Rath Hoffman oversees the Department of Homeland Security’s public outreach and media relations efforts.  He also directs the Department’s strategic, incident, and internal communications, and serves as the principal communications advisor to the Secretary. 

For almost a decade, Mr. Hoffman has advised non-profits, businesses, and political candidates on public affairs and government relations strategies. He recently served as the South Carolina Executive Director for the national security non-profit Americans for Peace, Prosperity, and Security.  Mr. Hoffman previously served at the Department of Homeland Security as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs.  Before that, he was the Director of International Programs and Border Security Policy at the White House Homeland Security Council.  He also served in a variety of roles at the Department of State, Customs and Border Protection and in the office of the Secretary of Homeland Security. 

Mr. Hoffman has taught homeland security and domestic terrorism as an adjunct professor at the Citadel.  He has also taught law school courses on military justice and immigration law.  He earned a BA from the University of Richmond and a JD from the University of Virginia.  In addition to his professional work, he serves as a major in the Air Force Reserve Judge Advocate General Corps. 

Last Updated: 05/20/2019
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