Quadrennial Review Advisory Committee Members | Homeland Security
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Quadrennial Review Advisory Committee Members

This is an archived Senior Advisory Committee.

Frank Cilluffo (Chair), Director, Homeland Security Policy Institute, The George Washington University
Norman “Norm” Augustine (Co-Chair), Retired Chairman and CEO, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Ruth David (Co-Chair), President and CEO, ANSER (Analytic Services, Inc.)
Joel Bagnal, President, Detica, Inc.
Jim Carafano, Assistant Director and Senior Research Fellow, The Heritage Foundation
Carol DiBattiste, Senior Vice President Privacy, Security, Compliance and Government Affairs, LexisNexis Group
Louis Freeh, Senior Managing Partner, Freeh Group International
Susan Ginsburg, Director, Mobility and Security Program, Migration Policy Institute
“Dutch” Leonard, Professor, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Kenneth Rapuano, Consultant
Jim Schwartz, Fire Chief, Arlington County
Walt Slocombe, Attorney, Caplan & Drysdale, Chartered
Ellis Stanley, Director of Western Emergency Management Services, Dewberry
Bert Tussing, Professor and Director, Homeland Defense and Security Issues, US Army War College
Rajeev Venkayya, Director, Global Health Delivery, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Emily Walker, International Consultant/Former 9/11 Commission Member
Lawrence Wein, Professor of Management Science, Stanford University
Joe White, Senior Vice President of Chapter Operations, American Red Cross
John “Skip” Williams, Provost and Vice President for Health Affairs, The George Washington University
Glen Woodbury, Director, Center for Homeland Defense and Security, Naval Post Graduate School

Last Updated: 08/01/2024
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