DHS for a Day VI: Engaging our Nation’s Veteran Community | Homeland Security
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DHS for a Day VI: Engaging our Nation’s Veteran Community

Release Date: November 4, 2011

Posted by Chris Cummiskey, Deputy Under Secretary for Management

At the Department of Homeland Security, we are committed to ensuring that veterans play a vital role in the Department’s mission to protect our nation.

Recognizing the invaluable sacrifices that veterans make for their country, DHS has developed three strategic objectives to engage veterans in fulfilling our Department’s missions: (1) increasing veteran employment opportunities, (2) expanding contracting opportunities for veteran-owned businesses, and (3) enhancing veteran engagement within the Department.

Yesterday, in commemoration of Veterans Day and in support of our ongoing outreach to the veteran community, DHS opened its doors to representatives from Veteran Service Organizations as part of the Department’s sixth DHS for a Day program.

Participants learned about how their members can find jobs and contracting opportunities at DHS and get involved in community-based efforts such as FEMA’s Citizen Corps.

Coast Guardd Cutter ship

Following briefings by Department leadership, attendees toured DHS operations in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, including the U.S. Secret Service James J. Rowley Training Center for a demonstration of the Secret Service’s protective mission and efforts to combat financial and electronic crimes. Veteran participants also visited the Baltimore Inner Harbor to learn about the U.S. Coast Guard’s missions and obtained a first-hand experience onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Stratton—the newest National Security Cutter and part of the flagship class of the U.S. Coast Guard Fleet.

Through its DHS for a Day series, the Department is engaging with partners including the veteran community and the private sector to foster a greater understanding of DHS’s role in ensuring a safer, more secure and more resilient homeland.

In recognition of Veterans Day, we thank the men and women who serve us at home and abroad and honor those who have previously served.

Veterans looking for careers and contract opportunities can learn more on our DHS Veterans page.

Published by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C.
Last Updated: 08/07/2024
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