DHS Signs Agreement to Use GSAs OASIS Contracts for Professional Services | Homeland Security
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DHS Signs Agreement to Use GSA's OASIS Contracts for Professional Services

Release Date: July 28, 2015

Posted By: Soraya Correa, Chief Procurement Officer

Last month, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) formally committed to using the General Services Administration’s (GSA) One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) contracts for the acquisition of the Department’s professional services needs in the future.   By adopting OASIS as part of our strategic sourcing program, DHS will take advantage of the work GSA has done to improve the proposal evaluation and negotiation processes, ordering lead times, and promote transparency.  OASIS will eventually replace the Department’s Technical, Acquisition, and Business Support Services (TABSS) contracts, which successfully meet the Department’s current needs but expires in two  years. DHS programs can continue to use TABSS but can also begin using OASIS to meet their longer term needs. Leaders across DHS and GSA are committed to ensuring a smooth transition.   

Efficiency and cost were the key factors in DHS’s decision to use OASIS in lieu of awarding new contracts to replace TABSS.  At DHS, the use of strategic sourcing initiatives has helped save the Department hundreds of millions of dollars and contributed to the Department’s sixth-straight “A” grade on the Small Business Administration’s annual Small Business Procurement Scorecard. 

To learn more about OASIS, visit:  www.gsa.gov/oasis 
To learn more about TABSS, visit:   www.dhs.gov/tabss


Last Updated: 08/07/2024
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