January 11 is #WearBlueDay | Homeland Security
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  1. Blue Campaign
  2. Events and Initiatives
  3. #WearBlueDay

January 11 is #WearBlueDay

Blue image with faces in circles on the right. On the left is the text, Join us this #WearBlueDay to help raise awareness of human trafficking. Text is above the DHS logo, Center for Countering Human Trafficking logo, and Blue Campaign logo.

Human trafficking affects millions across the globe.

January 11, 2025, is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, aka #WearBlueDay. Throughout the month, Blue Campaign hosts several special events and educational activities, with a spotlight on #WearBlueDay. Why blue? It’s the international color of human trafficking awareness.

We invite everyone to take photos wearing something blue and share them on social media with #WearBlueDay. If you need some inspiration, check out how others show their support to save lives and end human trafficking.

Join the fight. Follow @DHSBlueCampaign on Facebook, X, and Instagram for more information about #WearBlueDay and campaign efforts throughout the year. 

If you tag @DHSBlueCampaign and use the hashtag #WearBlueDay, the image used can be repurposed for training, education, awareness, paid media, and TV purposes.

  • Get Involved

    There are many ways you can participate with #WearBlueDay. We look forward to seeing your creative ideas and photos on social media!

  • Upcoming Events

    Learn more about Blue Campaign events like #WearBlueDay, #TacklingTrafficking, and more held during National Human Trafficking Prevention Month and throughout the year!

  • Tackle Trafficking Year-Round

    The fight against human trafficking doesn't end after #WearBlueDay. Continue #TacklingTrafficking by accessing free anti-human trafficking resources.

  • To report suspected human trafficking to Federal law enforcement:

  • Para reportar un posible caso de trata de personas:

  • To get help from the National Human Trafficking Hotline:

    or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733)

  • Obtenga ayuda de la Línea Directa Nacional de Trata de Personas:

    o enviando un mensaje de texto con HELP o INFO a BeFree (233733)

Last Updated: 01/13/2025
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