The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is updating the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey reports from 2012-2024. The reports on this page currently contain content that is inconsistent with Executive Orders 14151 and 14168. For up-to-date information, please visit OPM’s Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey website.
The Department of Homeland Security Annual Employee Surveys (AES) are conducted to collect data on Department employees' perceptions of workforce management, organizational accomplishments, agency goals, leadership, and communication.
- View all DHS survey results.
- For more information, visit the OPM FEVS Dashboard.
DHS employees provided feedback through the 2024 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), which was conducted from May 21 and July 5. A total of 94,177 DHS employees participated, for a response rate of 45%.
Message from Secretary Mayorkas on the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
We have received the results of this year’s Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). Thank you to the more than 90,000 of you who completed the survey. Our participation increased 8% over last year.
We have made employee well-being one of our Department’s highest priorities. You are the greatest resource we have, and you bring tremendous honor to our Department and to our nation.
Our scores on this year’s FEVS increased over last year, and our increases either matched or exceeded those of other departments across the government.
- The DHS Employee Engagement Index is a set of questions focused on engagement and morale. Our Index increased by 3%, from 64% to 67%, compared to a 1% increase governmentwide.
- The Global Satisfaction Index measures job, organizational, and pay satisfaction. Our Index increased 6%, from 54% to 60%, compared to a 2% increase governmentwide.
- Our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Index increased from 63% to 65%, matching the governmentwide increase.
In the past year, we have, among many other actions, secured historic pay increases for our frontline TSA personnel; made improvements to facilities; made new resources available to support employee mental health and well-being; developed new trainings; and, responded substantively to your feedback gathered through pulse surveys, focus groups, and engagements.
We have a great deal more to do for you. We recognize that some of our scores, including across some of our most challenging mission areas, remain low and even below the government average. We will continue to work to change this. We are steadfast in our commitment to our frontline personnel and to all of you. The challenges you confront, the risks you shoulder, and the sacrifices you make are significant. You need more resources and, in many instances, pay increases and work hours relief. We will continue to prioritize your needs and aspirations, to ensure we deliver for you.
You are the greatest workforce in the world. Thank you for everything you do.
Alejandro N. Mayorkas
Secretary of Homeland Security
With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.
Message from Secretary Mayorkas on the 2022 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
I am grateful to each of you who took the time to complete the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey and share your perspective on your work in our Department. Over a third of our workforce participated in the Survey, more than the average participation rate across the federal government.
A number of our Agencies and Offices exceeded the government-wide average scores, including U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. Coast Guard, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Science and Technology Directorate.
Despite progress in some areas, Deputy Secretary Tien and I know there are areas for improvement when it comes to employee engagement. This has been a priority for me since Day 1 and it is one of the twelve strategic priorities I outlined for our entire Department earlier this year. As part of our efforts to understand and address your concerns, the Deputy and I have traveled across the country to visit with you in your place of work and learn directly from you about the issues that matter. We will continue to do so.
We are also creating new ways for you to provide feedback more regularly about your workplace, including:
- expanding on and finding new ways to champion your work, including Secretary’s Awards ceremonies in every region, for the first time in Department history;
- surveying you quarterly on a variety of topics related to your experience as employees;
- launching a new platform in early 2023 that will allow you to help identify and solve workplace challenges;
- conducting in-person focus groups across the Department; and,
- implementing recommendations and solutions from your previous feedback. For example, resolving bandwidth challenges in remote locations, fixing broken facilities and equipment, and focusing on pay issues and hiring challenges.
We need your help as we work together to transform our workplace. I ask that leaders at every level review the survey results and ensure that all DHS employees feel empowered to discuss the issues so that you can, together, develop action-oriented strategies to address the concerns expressed.
Thank you for the vital and important work you do.
Alejandro N. Mayorkas
Secretary of Homeland Security
With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.
Message from the Deputy Under Secretary for Management R.D. Alles on Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
I would like to thank everyone who participated in the 2020 Office of Personnel Management Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). During this unprecedented time, DHS-wide participation in the survey increased. The feedback you provided is invaluable in our efforts to continue to make your workplace better for you.
I am pleased to announce that for the fifth year in a row we continue to see positive FEVS results at DHS. The overall DHS Employee Engagement Index (EEI) increased by 4 percentage points to 66% and the Global Satisfaction Index increased by 5 percentage points to 61%.
I am encouraged by these results, and I know we have more work to do. The Department continues to trend below government-wide scores for employee engagement. Many of you indicated you received the support you need during the COVID-19 pandemic from leaders, supervisors, and your offices. However, the results show that employees feel the Department as a whole could have done more to provide information and guidance.
In the coming weeks, your Component and local leadership will provide more details about specific FEVS results and the steps they plan to take to address issues identified in the survey. I encourage you to continue to share your feedback and consider providing input into your organization’s improvement plans.
You are our most valuable asset and DHS leadership is committed to making sure you have the support you need to feel valued, engaged, and mission ready.
I know you are facing many challenges at work and at home. I thank you for the incredible work you do every day and your commitment to the DHS mission.
R.D. Alles
Deputy Under Secretary for Management
Message from Acting Secretary Kevin K. McAleenan on Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
I would like to personally thank everyone who participated in this year's Office of Personnel Management's annual government-wide Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). DHS-wide participation was slightly higher than last year, and the feedback you all provided is invaluable in making our workplaces work better for you.
In addition to increased participation, I am pleased to announce that we continued to see positive FEVS score results for the fourth year in a row. Overall, the DHS Employee Engagement Index (EEI), a set of FEVS questions focusing on engagement and morale, increased from 60% to 62%. In our operational Components, the United States Secret Service increased seven percentage points, and the United States Coast Guard had the highest EEI of all components at 76%.
In the coming weeks, your Component and local leaders will provide more details about the specific FEVS results in your organizations and the steps they plan to take to address issues identified in the FEVS data. As I pledged when the FEVS launched in May, the DHS leadership team will listen closely and follow through on the feedback you have given us. Your voice will be heard.
Thank you for the incredible work you do every day and your commitment to the DHS mission. Thank you again for sharing your valuable insights about how we can make DHS the Department you deserve.
Kevin K. McAleenan, Acting Secretary
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Message from Acting Deputy Secretary Claire M. Grady on the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
In May and June of this year, all DHS civilian employees who had been employed by the Department since October 2017 were invited to participate in the Office of Personnel Management's annual government-wide Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). Your input is very important, and I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to fill out the survey and provide us your feedback.
I am pleased to announce that for the third year in a row we continue to see positive results. Overall, the DHS Employee Engagement Index (EEI), a set of FEVS questions focusing on engagement and morale, held steady at 60 percent positive. The two other key indicators that are broadly tracked, the Global Satisfaction and New IQ indices, each increased one percentage point. Global Satisfaction is an indicator of satisfaction with the organization overall, including pay. New IQ focuses on inclusive work environments.
U.S. Secret Service saw our largest increase with a jump of six percentage points over last year’s EEI, and the Transportation Security Administration’s EEI came up three percentage points. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s EEI increased two percentage points, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's increased by one percentage point.
This is good news and I believe our positive FEVS scores are a result of our combined efforts to respond to your input in the last few years. For example, we implemented Leadership Year to further develop leaders at every level of the Department, conducted town halls where you had the opportunity to ask questions and share your input, increased employee communication through email and our internal website, and emphasized collaborative efforts at the work unit level.
While I am encouraged by the results, I know there is more to do. I ask that leaders at all levels across the Department review the survey results, see what's working, and determine what still requires improvement. Talk with your people and find out what they need to excel at their work, and collaborate with them to create environments that foster engagement and put employees first. Our leadership team remains committed to listening to your ideas and taking action to make improvements across the Department. We have made great progress, but we need to continue to listen, learn, and change when necessary.
As the Secretary and I continue to meet with DHS employees around the country, we look forward to meeting with you and hearing about the challenges you face every day; as well as your successes. This Department will continue to put employees first each and every day, and we are committed to ensuring you have the support, tools, and resources you need to execute your missions.
Thank you for the incredible work you do every day, and thank you for being part of the DHS family.
Claire M. Grady
Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security
DHS employees provided feedback through the 2017 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), which was conducted by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) between May 11 and June 22. The survey was sent to a sampling of employees randomly selected by OPM. Of the 96,776 DHS employees who received the survey, 47,414 responded answering questions in the areas of leadership and knowledge management, results-oriented performance culture, talent management and job satisfaction.
- 2017 Summary of Results (PDF, 25 pages - 630 KB)
DHS employees provided feedback through the 2016 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), which was conducted by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) between May 5 and June 16. The survey was sent to a sampling of employees randomly selected by OPM. Of the 93,709 DHS employees who received the survey, 46,991 responded answering questions in the areas of leadership and knowledge management, results-oriented performance culture, talent management and job satisfaction.
- 2016 Summary of Results (PDF, 11 pages - 268 KB)
DHS employees provided feedback through the 2015 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), which was conducted by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) between April 27 and June 5. The survey was sent to a sampling of employees randomly selected by OPM. Of the 91,425 DHS employees who received the survey, 43,090 responded answering questions in the areas of leadership and knowledge management, results-oriented performance culture, talent management and job satisfaction.
- 2015 Summary of Results (PDF, 15 pages - 134 KB)
DHS employees provided feedback through the 2014 FEVS, which was conducted by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) between April 29 and June 6. The survey was sent to a sampling of employees randomly selected by OPM. Of the 93,375 DHS employees who received the survey, 42,798 responded answering questions in the areas of leadership and knowledge management, results-oriented performance culture, talent management and job satisfaction.
- 2014 Summary of Results (PDF, 15 pages - 131 KB)
DHS employees provided feedback through the 2013 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), which was administered April 30 through June 14 by the Office of Personnel Management. Of the 81,983 employees randomly selected by OPM, 48% (39,090) responded and answered questions in the areas of leadership and knowledge management, results-oriented performance culture, talent management and job satisfaction.
- 2013 Summary of Results (PDF, 12 pages - 130 KB)
DHS employees provided feedback through the 2012 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), which was administered May 2 through June 20 by the Office of Personnel Management. Of the 176,990 eligible employees who received the invitation, 47% responded and answered questions in the areas of leadership and knowledge management, results-oriented performance culture, talent management and job satisfaction.
- 2012 Summary of Results (PDF, 14 pages - 550 KB)
The 2011 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey was administered by the Office of Personnel Management during April and May 2011 to gain employee insight on leadership, performance culture, personal work experiences and job satisfaction. The results will be used to inform ongoing action planning and address opportunities for improvement across the Department.
- 2011 Summary of Results (PDF, 11 pages - 114 KB)
- 2011 Management Report (PDF, 37 pages - 2 MB). Please call 202-352-8409 if you need help with this document.
The Office of Personnel Management conducted the 2010 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (formerly known as the Federal Human Capital Survey) was administered during February and March 2010.
The results provide the Department with valuable information that enables components and senior leadership to understand employee concerns and develop targeted solutions.
- 2010 Summary of Results (PDF, 9 pages - 202 KB)
The Department of Homeland Security 2009 Annual Employee Survey (AES) was conducted, from October 30 through December 22, 2009, to collect data on employees' perceptions of workforce management, organizational accomplishments, agency goals, leadership, and communication. The results will be used to inform ongoing action planning and address opportunities for improvement across the Department.
- 2009 Summary of Results (PDF, 7 pages - 159 KB). Please call 202-352-8409 if you need help with this document.
The Office of Personnel Management conducted the 2008 Federal Human Capital Survey to collect data on Department employees' perceptions of workforce management, organizational accomplishments, agency goals, leadership, and communication.
Department managers will use the findings to help sharpen policies for improving our agency performance.
- 2008 Summary of Results (PDF, 11 pages - 84 KB)
The 2007 Department of Homeland Security Annual Employee Survey (AES) was conducted to collect data on Department employees' perceptions of workforce management, organizational accomplishments, agency goals, leadership, and communication.
Department managers will use the findings to help sharpen policies for improving our agency performance. The documents below contain the profile of the respondents and the survey results for each major component of the Department.
- 2007 Summary of Results (PDF, 8 pages - 54 KB)
- 2007 Management Report (PDF, 70 pages - 1.39 MB)