This is a listing of the Emergency Response Senior Advisory Committee Members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council.
- Richard A. Andrews (Chair), Emergency Management Consultant*
- Kenneth C. Canterbury (Vice Chair), President, Fraternal Order of Police*
- Dan Corsentino, Former Sheriff, Pueblo County, Colorado
- Frank P. Cruthers, Deputy Commissioner, New York Fire Department
- Paul M. Freeman, Fire Chief, Los Angeles Fire Department
- Ellen M. Gordon, Professor, Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey, California
- Arthur Kassel, Chief of Law Enforcement Service, State of California Department of Mental Health
- Phillip E. Keith, Retired Chief, Knoxville, Tennessee Police Department
- Paul M. Maniscalco, READI Program, The George Washington University
- Judith M. Mueller, Director of Public Works, Charlottesville, Virginia
- Edward P. Plaugher, Director, National Programs International Association of Fire Chiefs
- Jack E. Reall, President, Fire Fighters Union 67, Columbus, Ohio
- Ellis M. Stanley, Director of Western Emergency Management Services for Dewberry & Davis Corp.
- Joseph White, Senior Vice President for Chapter Operations, American Red Cross
- John F. Williams, Provost and Dean, School of Medicine, The George Washington University*
* denotes full Homeland Security Advisory Council member