HSIN 2017 Annual Report | Homeland Security
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HSIN 2017 Annual Report

HSIN 2017 Annual Report DHS has a vital mission—keeping Americans safe—which means protecting our borders, our people and our nation. Information sharing is the centerpiece to this vital mission and the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) is integral to homeland security partners’ ability to meet their operational needs.

The HSIN 2017 Annual Report shares how HSIN empowered new and existing users with advanced information sharing capabilities; facilitated active collaboration and coordination within DHS and with state, local, territorial, international and private sector partners; and provided the essential resources to prepare for and quickly respond to incidents, emergencies and natural disasters.

Highlights include:

  • Becoming the first DHS Headquarters program to leap past a conventional hybrid cloud model and move all capabilities—data and infrastructure—to the secure cloud, resulting in a more flexible, efficient system, capable of delivering services to users and stakeholders quickly.
  • Seeing HSIN Exchange in use by all 79 fusion centers and the Terrorist Screening Center as their trusted and secure request for information (RFI) solution, and initiating work to scale HSIN Exchange into a full, enterprise-wide RFI solution.
  • Enhancing HSIN geospatial offerings, allowing users to leverage the Geospatial Information Infrastructure for advanced map building, data integration and visualization.
  • Steady-state, critical mission area support to strengthen cybersecurity, protect and secure our borders, and prevent narcotics and human trafficking.
  • Reliable, year-over-year planned event and exercise support, including the 58th Presidential Inauguration, federal exercises for DHS components, Super Bowl LI and the National Scout Jamboree.
  • Critical incident response and emergency management, emergency planning, and cross-jurisdictional coordination for search and recovery efforts during hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.

Download the HSIN Annual Report PDF or view the HSIN Annual Report on this website to learn how HSIN supported an unprecedented level of information sharing by achieving key growth objectives, strengthening delivery, and building and enhancing HSIN’s services.

Last Updated: 08/01/2024
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