IXM (Identity [previously, IDENT] eXchange Messaging) is a standards-based, National Information Exchange Model (NIEM)-conformant eXtensible Markup Language (XML) message specification implemented by OBIM Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT). IXM defines biometric and biographic services. By using IXM and IDENT, external organizations can access OBIM services without requiring OBIM custom development.
IXM conformance to NIEM follows DHS guidelines. The NIEM website (www.niem.gov) lists the conformance criteria. Stakeholder interactions with OBIM biometric services follow the OBIM Biometric Standards Requirements[1]. IXM 6 is conformant with the XML-coded format of the American National Standard for Information Systems (ANSI)/National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) ITL 1-2011 Biometric Exchange Standard.
The OBIM external exchange messaging governance body provides IXM schema modifications and supporting documentation. This governance body is under the stewardship of the OBIM Chief Architect, in the Architecture and Engineering Branch (AEB) of the Integration Technology Division (ITD).
OBIM Current Architecture uses IXM 5.0, IXM 6.0.4, IXM 6.0.6, IXM 6.0.7, IXM 6.0.8, IXM 6.0.9, IXM and IXM IXM supports 33 IDENT services.
Note that IXM 5.5 is no longer used.
The target architecture will extend the services to provide additional messages for accessing multimodal biometrics, additional biographics, and batch processing services. The Message Processing Service (formerly named the IXM server) handles external IXM requests and provides message persistence, an audit log, and IXM business rules validation. OBIM provides the General Message Translator for Stakeholders who are unable to send requests using the IXM specification.