DHS Opens New Headquarters on St. Elizabeths Campus | Homeland Security
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DHS Opens New Headquarters on St. Elizabeths Campus

Release Date: July 29, 2013

For Immediate Release
DHS Press Office
Contact: 202-282-8010 

WASHINGTON—Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Dan Tangherlini today officially opened the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Consolidated Headquarters campus with a ceremonial ribbon cutting at the newly built U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters building. The opening of the new facility marks the completion of the first phase of the consolidation project on St. Elizabeths west campus. 

“Today, we take a major step forward in making our ‘One DHS’ vision a reality,” said Secretary Napolitano. “Consolidating our facilities will increase efficiency and communication, while enhancing the Department’s prevention, response and recovery capabilities.” 

“We are proud to provide the U.S. Coast Guard with a facility that will support the important work they do for the American people,” said GSA Administrator Dan Tangherlini. “We are now one step closer to achieving a central campus for the Department of Homeland Security’s headquarters at St. Elizabeths. The project also represents a significant investment in the District’s Ward 8 community.” 

Today’s ceremony marked the completion of the first phase which consisted of a 1.2 million square foot Coast Guard headquarters, a 2,000 car parking garage, perimeter security, the renovation of several historic buildings, and infrastructure improvements throughout the campus. 

Secretary Napolitano and GSA Administrator Tangherlini were joined by U.S. Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Senator Tom Carper, and House Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management Ranking Member Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC Mayor Vincent Gray, DC Councilmember Marion Barry, and U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Robert Papp Jr. to unveil the new facility.   

DHS is planning to consolidate more than 35 office locations in the Washington area, further enhancing operational effectiveness, and leveraging the infrastructure investments GSA has already made in the St. Elizabeths campus to more efficiently manage DHS daily operations. 

The U.S. Coast Guard is scheduled to begin moving the first of some 3700 military members and civilian employees currently housed in facilities along the Anacostia River in nearby Buzzard Point. The move is expected to take four months to complete, with much of it occurring on weekends to avoid potential disruptions to daily operations.  

The FY 2014 budget request includes $92.7 million in the DHS request and $261.5 million in the GSA request to continue the St. Elizabeths development with the renovation of the Center Building complex. The project has a completion target of FY2026. 


Last Updated: 08/07/2024
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