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Statement By Secretary Johnson On The Security For The Republican And Democratic National Conventions

Release Date: July 22, 2016

For Immediate Release
DHS Press Office
Contact: 202-282-8010

Our thanks go to the thousands of law enforcement and homeland security personnel who contributed to the security of the Republican National Convention, the Convention site, and the City of Cleveland this week.  Today I visit Philadelphia to inspect the security for the Democratic National Convention that takes place next week.

Planning for the security of both the RNC and DNC began more than a year ago.  Given that the Conventions are designated National Special Security Events, the U.S. Secret Service was and is responsible for coordinating the security for these events.

I am enormously proud of the men and women of DHS today.  Approximately 3,000 DHS personnel, from the Secret Service, TSA, ICE Homeland Security Investigations, FEMA, the Coast Guard and other DHS components were on hand in Cleveland this week, along with approximately 1,100 other U.S. government personnel.  The security for massive events like a national political convention is business as usual for the Secret Service, but they deserve our praise and appreciation for this incredible effort.  I thank the other components of DHS who always support the Secret Service for these events in large numbers, without exception or reservation.  Another one of these operations is now taking shape in Philadelphia, only a few days after the last one.

The larger debt of gratitude for public safety in Cleveland this week goes to the Cleveland Division of Police, under the leadership of Chief Calvin Williams.  With dozens of other law enforcement agencies from across the country in support, and in coordination with the Ohio State Highway Patrol and the Ohio National Guard, Chief Williams led a remarkable public safety effort on the streets of Cleveland. This past week, thousands of people converged on the streets of Cleveland to demonstrate or march, representing dozens of different groups from across the political and ideological spectrum – including those openly antagonistic to each other.  Throughout the week, law enforcement personnel in Cleveland acted with restraint and professionalism, to protect and serve the public.

The outstanding actions of our law enforcement and homeland security personnel in Cleveland this week, and in Philadelphia next week, serve as a timely reminder that these men and women are prepared to put their bodies and their lives on the line for the people they protect and serve, regardless of who we are, our cause, our political affiliation or ideological belief.

Thank you again!

Last Updated: 09/21/2018
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