Statement by Press Secretary Dave Lapan on Aviation Security | Homeland Security
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Statement by Press Secretary Dave Lapan on Aviation Security

Release Date: May 30, 2017

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010

WASHINGTON – Secretary Kelly had a call today with European Home Affairs Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos and Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc to discuss aviation security. 

Three items were discussed.  First, they agreed on the need to raise the bar for aviation security globally, including through a range of potential seen and unseen enhancements.  Second, the parties agreed to continue to work together to secure global aviation and to maintain clear lines of communication and cooperation.  Over the last few months DHS has continuously reached out to global aviation partners regarding serious and evolving threats to aviation, and the Department will continue to do so.  

Finally, while a much-discussed expansion of the ban on large electronic devices in the cabin on flights to the United States was not announced today, the Secretary made it clear that the an expansion is still on the table.  Secretary Kelly affirmed he will implement any and all measures necessary to secure commercial aircraft flying to the United States – including prohibiting large electronic devices from the passenger cabin – if the intelligence and threat level warrant it.


Last Updated: 02/05/2021
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