DHS Releases Southwest Border Enforcement Statistics | Homeland Security
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DHS Releases Southwest Border Enforcement Statistics

Release Date: January 9, 2019

Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released the number of enforcement actions at the southwest border for the month of December.  Due to the lapse in funding, U.S. Customs and Border Protection is unable to publish the enforcement actions for December on its website.

Total Enforcement Actions (individuals apprehended in between the ports of entry and deemed inadmissible at the ports of entry) for the month of December in Fiscal Year 2019 was 60,782. December marks the third consecutive month of enforcement actions surpassing 60,000.

The United States Border Patrol apprehended 50,753 individuals (83.5% of all enforcement actions) between the ports of entry on the southern border. The total number of individuals deemed inadmissible for entry at the ports of entry was 10,029.

Key statistics:

The total number of family unit aliens (FMUA) apprehended in between the ports of entry and deemed inadmissible at the ports of entry: 31,901

  • In Fiscal Year 2017, CBP averaged 13,210 family units and unaccompanied alien children each month – in Fiscal Year 2019 CBP is now averaging 31,188 a month. That is a 136% increase.
  • The total number of FMUAs apprehended in between the ports of entry was 27,518. December was a record-breaking month for FMUAs apprehended at the border.
  • FMUA apprehensions through December total 75,794 – higher than 5 out of the last 7 years FY totals – exceeding all but FY16 and FY18, but currently tracking 253% higher than FY16 and 280% higher than FY18 for the same time frames.
  • Of FMUA apprehensions in December, 95% are from Northern Triangle. 96% for the first quarter.
    • For the first quarter, 77% of family units are from Guatemala and Honduras alone.
  • This month marks the third time FMUA apprehensions exceeded Single Adult apprehensions.
    • Apprehensions from Guatemala exceeded Mexico for the third consecutive month (only happened four times) and Honduras has exceeded Mexico for the second consecutive month.

The total number of unaccompanied children apprehended in between the ports of entry and deemed inadmissible at the ports of entry: 5,121

  • Total number of unaccompanied children apprehended in between the ports of entry: 4,766
  • Total number of unaccompanied children deemed inadmissible at the ports of entry: 355

The total number of single adults apprehended in between the ports of entry and deemed inadmissible at the ports of entry: 23,682

  • Total enforcement actions for single adults fell by 10.87% in December from November.


Last Updated: 02/05/2021
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