Message from Acting Secretary Kevin K. McAleenan | Homeland Security
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Message from Acting Secretary Kevin K. McAleenan

Release Date: April 10, 2019

As I assume the role of Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, I look forward to working to support the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as they carry out the critical missions that keep our country safe. I’d also like to extend my sincere thanks to Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen for her service to the country as the sixth Secretary of Homeland Security, and for her tireless work on behalf of the people and organizations of DHS. She deserves our enduring respect and appreciation for her leadership, and I’m personally grateful for it.

In many roles in my career at U.S. Customs and Border Protection, I’ve had the opportunity to work with virtually every component of DHS, and have witnessed the extraordinary commitment and steadfast resolve of the men and women across this Department. While we face many challenges, including a growing crisis on our southern border, I know that, working together, we can overcome them. I’ve also learned that the true strength of DHS is our people, and during my time as Acting Secretary, I pledge to be an aggressive advocate for you. 

I look forward to working alongside you to accomplish the vast mission of securing our homeland with honor, integrity and vigilance. Let’s power on. The American people are counting on us.

Kevin K. McAleenan
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security

With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.

Last Updated: 02/05/2021
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