Acting Secretary Chad Wolf Statement on the President’s Executive Order on Duties and Fees Deferment for Certain Importers | Homeland Security
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Acting Secretary Chad Wolf Statement on the President’s Executive Order on Duties and Fees Deferment for Certain Importers

Release Date: April 19, 2020

“I applaud the President for signing this Executive Order, which gives the Administration the ability to help the trade community and U.S. businesses who keep critical supply chains for U.S. manufacturers moving during this unprecedented time. As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic response has created serious economic issues for many American businesses. This President and this Department have, and always will, put the American worker first.

This EO will give the Administration the flexibility to allow importers who have faced a significant financial hardship during the COVID-19 response to defer the payment of certain duties, taxes, and fees for 90 days. This payment flexibility will be available only for importers with a significant financial hardship. Duties and fees associated with antidumping and countervailing duties (AD/CVD), and Section 201, 232 and 301. Trade Remedies are not included in this relief effort.”

Last Updated: 02/05/2021
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