Statement from DHS Spokesman Alexei Woltornist on DHS Intelligence & Analysis Directorate Reports | Homeland Security
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Statement from DHS Spokesman Alexei Woltornist on DHS Intelligence & Analysis Directorate Reports

Release Date: July 31, 2020

WASHINGTON – Department of Homeland Security Spokesman Alexei Woltornist released the following statement on DHS Intelligence & Analysis Directorate Reports:

Upon learning about the practice, Acting Secretary Wolf directed the DHS Intelligence & Analysis Directorate to immediately discontinue collecting information involving members of the press. In no way does the Acting Secretary condone this practice and he has immediately ordered an inquiry into the matter. The Acting Secretary is committed to ensuring that all DHS personnel uphold the principles of professionalism, impartiality and respect for civil rights and civil liberties, particularly as it relates to the exercise of First Amendment rights. 


Last Updated: 02/05/2021
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