DHS Announces National Board Members of Alternatives to Detention Case Management Pilot Program | Homeland Security
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DHS Announces National Board Members of Alternatives to Detention Case Management Pilot Program

Release Date: March 9, 2022

As part of our partnership with nonprofit organizations and local governments on the pilot program to improve services for noncitizens in immigration proceedings, DHS is announcing that Catholic Charities USA, Center for Migration Studies of New York, and Church World Service have been selected to serve on the National Board for the Alternatives to Detention (ATD) Case Management Pilot Program (CMPP). 

The pilot program will provide voluntary case management and other services to ensure that noncitizens in removal proceedings have access to legal information and other critical services. The selection of qualified Board member organizations is key to this program’s success, and we are fortunate that these experienced groups, which focus on the delivery of high-quality case management services to immigrant communities, are willing to serve. 

The National Board will be responsible for awarding funds to eligible local governments and nonprofit organizations and overseeing and managing the pilot program. Church World Service has been selected to serve in the capacity of the Board’s Secretariat/Fiscal Agent. 

DHS announced the new program in August of 2021. The CMPP includes trauma-informed case management and other critical services, such as mental health services, human trafficking screening, legal orientation programs, cultural orientation programs, connections to social services, and departure planning and reintegration services for individuals returning to their home countries.  

The National Board plans to solicit proposals from potential CMPP service providers later this year.  

Last Updated: 01/20/2025
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