Office of Homeland Security Statistics Publishes First Immigration Enforcement and Lawful Processes Monthly Tables Report | Homeland Security
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Office of Homeland Security Statistics Publishes First Immigration Enforcement and Lawful Processes Monthly Tables Report

Release Date: January 5, 2024

WASHINGTON – Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Homeland Security Statistics (OHSS) released the first Immigration Enforcement and Legal Processes Monthly Tables, with data through September 2023. Following its launch in November 2023, OHSS is beginning to release data covering all DHS missions, which will advance the Department’s statistical reporting and analysis, support evidence-based policymaking and data-driven decision-making, and increase transparency.  

The immigration data tables announced today will provide the public with comprehensive data on immigration enforcement at the Southwest Border, a reflection of the Department’s commitment to increasing transparency and efficiency.  

The tables include data that DHS has never released before, or previously only released on an annual basis, such as:   

  • CBP Encounter Bookouts by Agency, Family Status, and Citizenship;  

  • CBP One Appointment Requests; 

  • ICE ERO administrative arrests by citizenship and criminality; 

  • ICE ERO book-ins to detention by citizenship, criminality, and initial arresting agency;  

  • ICE ERO removals and returns by citizenship, criminality, and initial arresting agency; 

  • DHS Repatriations by Type; 

  • DHS Removals by Criminality, Arresting Agency, and Selected Citizenship; 

  • DHS Enforcement and Administrative Returns by Selected Citizenship; 

  • Southwest Border Credible Fear Interviews by Selected Citizenship or Result; and 

  • Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan Parole Processes Beneficiaries, Travel Authorizations, and Parolees. 

OHSS conducts statistical reporting and analysis Department-wide, supports evidence-based policymaking and data-driven decision making, and, working with the Department’s Chief Data Officer, oversees the development of enterprise-wide data standards. OHSS is led by the DHS Statistical Official and works closely with DHS’s Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties and the Department’s Privacy Office to ensure that all its products protect privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties. 


Last Updated: 01/20/2025
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