Dena Kozanas | Homeland Security
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Dena Kozanas

Ms. Kozanas was appointed Chief Privacy Officer on March 15, 2020.  In this role, she serves as the principal advisor to the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security regarding privacy protections and the transparency of government operations while supporting the Homeland Security mission.  Ms. Kozanas provides privacy guidance regarding the collection and handling of sensitive information in connection with online systems, programs, and enterprises across the Department.

Additionally, she serves as the Department’s Chief Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officer, responsible for overseeing its $76 million FOIA program, which is one of the largest FOIA Operations in the federal government.  In this role, she leads the more than 552 full-time FOIA staff to include the FOIA Officers in each of the DHS components that respond to the disclosure requests directly.

Ms. Kozanas previously served at the Department as the Chief of Staff for the Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans (PLCY).  Prior to her tenure in PLCY, she served in a dual role at the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board as the Acting Chief of Staff and Counselor. In this capacity, she guided the direction of the agency with operational, policy, and public relations efforts on matters involving the procedures and privacy protections of information collection programs in the Intelligence Community.

Ms. Kozanas also spent nearly ten years in the U.S. House of Representatives serving several Members of Congress and committees, including the Committee on Homeland Security. During her time with the then-Vice Chair of the Committee, Rep. Candice Miller, she helped develop and manage a legislative portfolio that included issues on technology, defense, border security, intelligence, appropriations, and other matters.

Ms. Kozanas holds a Master of Laws degree in National Security Law from Georgetown University Law Center.  She also has a Juris Doctor from The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law.  She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in government and politics from the University of Maryland at College Park.

Last Updated: 08/07/2024
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