DHS Actions: Cybersecurity | Homeland Security
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DHS Actions: Cybersecurity


The Department of Homeland Security and its components, namely its Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, play a lead role in strengthening resilience across the nation and sectors, investigating malicious cyber activity, and advancing cybersecurity alongside our democratic values and principles.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Homeland Security: Cyber Mission Overview PDF 553.17 KB 06/24/2021
Factsheet: Ransomware Sprint (April - May 2021) PDF 575.91 KB 06/24/2021
Fact Sheet: Workforce Sprint (May - June 2021) PDF 561.11 KB 07/01/2021
Fact Sheet: Transportation Sprint (September - October 2021) PDF 362.97 KB 01/26/2022
Last Updated: 02/05/2025
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