S&T FRG ICAM Acquisition and Implementation Guidance Fact Sheet | Homeland Security
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Identity, Credential, & Access Management (ICAM) Acquisition and Implementation Guidance Fact Sheet


The DHS Science and Technology Directorate's Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) is a framework of policies built into an organization’s information technology infrastructure that allows system owners to have assurance that the right person is accessing the right information at the right time for the right reason. ICAM is adaptable to first responder needs at all levels of government. It enables first responders to focus on their essential mission functions by bringing security, scalability and interoperability through embedded policies within their systems.


Attachment Ext. Size Date
Identity, Credential, & Access Management (ICAM) Acquisition and Implementation Guidance Fact Sheet (2018) PDF 219.07 KB 06/06/2018
Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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