S&T FRG SMART: Social Media Analytics and Reporting Toolkit Fact Sheet | Homeland Security
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SMART: Social Media Analytics and Reporting Toolkit Fact Sheet


The DHS Science and Technology Directorate's Social Media Analytics and Reporting Toolkit (SMART) is an interactive web-accessible system that provides users with aggregated social media data (e.g., Twitter and Instagram) for analysis and visualization. SMART has been deployed to multiple real-time events to augment emergency responder situational awareness, helping scientists, engineers and first responders collaborate directly with each other.

By 2019, the development team and the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate plan to deliver a commercial version of SMART for prototype testing by first responder groups.

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SMART: Social Media Analytics and Reporting Toolkit Fact Sheet (2018) PDF 256.34 KB
Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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