S&T NGFR – Birmingham Shaken Fury Operational Experimentation | Homeland Security
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Next Generation First Responder – Birmingham Shaken Fury Operational Experimentation Fact Sheet and Video


For NGFR’s last operational experiment, the program has partnered with Birmingham-area public safety agencies in a HAZMAT and Search and Rescue incident response resulting from an earthquake scenario. This OpEx is affiliated with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s 2019 Shaken Fury exercise hosted by FEMA and will focus on a simulated major earthquake in Memphis, Tennessee that will impact middle America including the state of Alabama. The OpEx is also an opportunity for Birmingham-area public safety agencies to enhance their mission capabilities in advance of the World Games which the city of Birmingham will host in June 2021.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
NGFR – Birmingham Shaken Fury Operational Experimentation Fact Sheet (May 2019) PDF 205.95 KB 04/04/2019
Last Updated: 06/14/2024
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