If You See Something, Say Something® Awareness Day | Homeland Security
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  1. If You See Something, Say Something®
  2. Get Involved
  3. #SeeSayDay | September 25

If You See Something, Say Something® #SeeSayDay

Graphic of illustrated, diverse individuals with the text, "Learn how to participate in #SeeSayDay on September 25. Spot the Signs. Report the Activity. Get involved today."

Year-round, the “If You See Something, Say Something®” campaign works to empower and educate the public on the importance of recognizing the signs of terrorism-related suspicious activity and how to report it to local authorities. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has designated September 25 as “If You See Something, Say Something®” Awareness Day, also known as #SeeSayDay. On this day, DHS and its campaign partners across the country come together to remind the public to be aware of suspicious activity and how to report suspected activity to local authorities.

How to Participate

“If You See Something, Say Something®” is more than just a slogan; we all play a role in keeping our communities safe. For #SeeSayDay 2024, we encourage the public to "Spot the Signs. Report the Activity". On September 25 and year-round, stay prepared to spot the signs, report suspicious activity to local authorities, and help prevent terrorism-related crime.

On #SeeSayDay, share the message on your personal or organization's social media channels using #SeeSayDay social media graphics and draft posts below, available in English, Spanish, Hebrew, and Arabic. Use the hashtag #SeeSayDay to note your involvement!

Get Inspired!

Below are some ideas and recommendations for how organizations can use the campaign materials to raise awareness about #SeeSayDay throughout September, and every day. Feel secure when using the campaign slogan by learning the rules and restrictions to follow when using DHS campaign materials, and contact the campaign with any questions.


Can’t find what you are looking for? Contact us for more specific questions and guidance.


Do not report suspicious activity to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Instead, notify local law enforcement.

Last Updated: 02/10/2025
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