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Today, DHS will…

24/7, 365 days a year, the Department of Homeland Security works to you keep you safe in the air, on land, at sea, and in cyberspace. Here’s a sample of what we do to protect the American people, our homeland, and our values.

 We are DHS. Every day, the 250,000 employees of the Department of Homeland Security carry out the DHS mission —safeguarding the American people, our homeland, and our values with honor and integrity— in cyberspace, in the air, on land, and at sea. In order to fulfill our mission, Today, DHS will...
In Cyberspace: Prevent millions of dollars of potential loss through cybercrime investigations. Seize more than $14.5 million in currency and assets pursuant to cybercrime investigations. Combat child exploitation by forensically examining 17 terabytes of digital content and arresting on average of 12 child predators. Triage more than 100 cyber incident reports. Complete 3 cybersecurity assessments for government agencies and private organizations. Process 110 requests for technical assistance for cyber threats, 4 of which will involve cases of ransomware. Have more than 4,800 intergovernmental and private sector partners across the Homeland Security Information Network, a critical platform where partners collaborate and share over 3 million unclassified homeland security related documents.
 In the Air: Screen 2 million passengers departing from 430 U.S. airports. Screen 1.4 million checked bags. Screen 5.5 million carry-on items. Stop 16 firearms at airport checkpoints. Pre-screen 263,000 international air passengers before they fly into, out of, within, or over the United States. Process 13,665 new TSA PreCheck enrollments and 3,555 renewals. Answer 6,000 questions from travelers on social media via AskTsa. Fly 225 hours in enforcement missions along our borders to disrupt the smuggling of weapons, drugs, and migrants.
Combat crime by arresting 13 gang members and 6 suspects in human trafficking investigations. Train 2,519 law enforcement officers and agents. Seize more than 5,000 pounds of narcotics, including nearly 100 pounds of fentanyl, at Ports of Entry on the border, at checkpoints, and through investigations. Seize more than $190,000 in counterfeit US currency from circulation.
Complete 5 infrastructure security assessments. Provide protection to 30 government leaders and foreign dignitaries. Protect 9,500 federal facilities and 1.4 million employees and visitors. Welcome 3,800 new citizens at naturalization ceremonies across the country, including 42 members of the U.S. Armed Forces. Grant legal permanent resident status to 2,100 people daily.
Deploy more than 5,700 staff in response to disasters. Reach 14 state, local, international, and private sector entities for election security and resilience each day through its trainings, exercises, panel presentations, and keynote speeches.
On Land: Seize $10.4 million worth of goods for intellectual property rights violations and fraud. Clear 91,605 truck, rail, and sea containers, and 10,572 shipments of goods for entry to the U.S. Operate at 328 land, air, and sea Ports of Entry and screen 868,867 passengers and pedestrians entering the United States. Patrol more than 7,500 miles of our land borders with Canada and Mexico.
At Sea: Patrol 95,000 miles of U.S. coastline. Protect 360 seaports. Protect 3,700 marine terminals. Protect 35,000 miles of waterway. Conduct 45 search & rescue missions. Interdict more than 2,700 pounds of illegal drugs and narcotics near U.S. Ports of Entry. Note: Data is approximate and represents daily averages based on annual statistics provided by DHS component agencies and offices.

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Last Updated: 11/03/2023
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