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  4. Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

The DHS FLETF Chair announces new additions to the UFLPA Entity List.

The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (Public Law No. 117-78), also known as the UFLPA, directs the Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force to develop a strategy for supporting enforcement of the prohibition on the importation of goods into the United States manufactured wholly or in part with forced labor in the People's Republic of China, especially from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, or Xinjiang. The UFLPA was enacted on December 23, 2021, with a June 21, 2022 effective date for a rebuttable presumption that goods mined, produced, or manufactured wholly or in part in Xinjiang or by an entity on the UFLPA Entity List are prohibited from U.S. importation under 19 U.S.C. § 1307. CBP leads the implementation of the rebuttable presumption under the UFLPA, and more about implementation efforts can be found on the CBP UFLPA page.

  • UFLPA Strategy

    The FLETF published the Strategy to Prevent the Importation of Goods Mined, Produced, or Manufactured with Forced Labor in the People’s Republic of China on June 17, 2022.

  • Operational Guidance for Importers

    CBP exercises its authority under the customs laws to detain, exclude, and/or seize and forfeit shipments that are within the scope of the UFLPA.  See CBP's Operational Guidance for Importers for more information.

  • UFLPA Entity List

    The UFLPA Entity List is maintained by the FLETF . Merchandise imported by entities identified by the FLETF on the UFLPA Entity List are subject to the UFLPA's rebuttable presumption.

  • CBP Resources on UFLPA Enforcement

    CBP enforces the UFLPA's rebuttable presumption. For more information about UFLPA enforcement visit CBP's page on the UFLPA.

  • Federal Register Notices on the UFLPA Entity List

    The FLETF announces the publication and availability of the UFLPA Entity List, a consolidated register of the four lists required to be developed and maintained pursuant to the UFLPA.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Have questions about the UFLPA Entity List or UFLPA Strategy? Check the Frequently Asked Questions page to see if your questions about the UFLPA may be answered there.

  • Public Comments on UFLPA Notice

    The FLETF received 180 comments on its Federal Register Notice from U.S. and foreign businesses, industry associations, civil society organizations, labor unions, academia, NGOs, and private individuals which are available on Regulations.gov.

  • UFLPA Public Hearing Transcript

    Witness testimony from the April 8, 2022 public hearing is available by transcript on Regulations.gov under docket number DHS-2022-0001-0192.

International Standards Resources*

U.S. Government Resources*

Other Resources*

The FLETF recommends stakeholders, including importers subject to the rebuttable presumption, consider the following types of supply chain-related stakeholder roles and engagements. The FLETF encourages NGOs and the private sector to share information with the FLETF related to engagements and efforts to implement programs to support these engagements, so the FLETF can continue to develop and define best practices.

Stakeholder Roles
Company employees
  • Suggest ways that risk assessment and auditing data and analysis could assist in making decisions on sourcing, product development, strategy, and other issues
  • Act as extra “eyes and ears” on social compliance issues to supplement worksite monitoring programs
Workers in production facilities and worker representative unions
  • Help identify risks of forced labor and other code of conduct violations at their worksites
  • Be involved in remediation planning where appropriate
  • Suggest opportunities for the company to address root causes of labor violations
Suppliers throughout the supply chain
  • Be involved in code of conduct development
  • Help ensure that suppliers’ employees, agents, and suppliers are educated on the code; for example, ensure that recruiters understand any prohibition on using the labor transfer programs
  • Cooperate fully with auditors and independent verifiers
Communities and community-based organizations throughout the supply chain
  • Provide valuable input into risk assessment; for example, provide advice on indicators of forced labor in recruitment of minority workers
  • Provide information to auditors and independent verifiers, as appropriate and safe
  • Provide comment on public reporting to enhance accuracy and credibility
National or international civil society organizations
  • Supply information, via research, reports, or personnel in-country, to inform risk assessment
  • Carry out audits or independent verification, as appropriate and safe
  • Contribute to or provide comment on public reporting to enhance accuracy and credibility
Shareholders and investor groups
  • Communicate with companies on specific risks, including the risk of forced labor, in their supply chains (vocal shareholders can also increase risk of reputational damage if they believe the social compliance system is not effective)
  • Encourage the company to dedicate resources to public reporting
  • Engage with the company to help identify root causes of labor abuse that may be linked to its operations
Other companies in the importer’s industry
  • Share risk assessment information about particular sourcing locations or suppliers
  • Join together to train or communicate with shared suppliers and other stakeholders on codes of conduct
  • Arrange joint audits or independent verification processes

*Resource lists included on this webpage are not exhaustive

Last Updated: 08/06/2024
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