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This page and its contents reflect language used at the time of publication and may include terminology no longer used by the Department.

Victim Notification Program


Although ICE makes every attempt to control illegal entry into the United States, ICE cannot ensure that the offender will not reenter the United States illegally.

  • ICE is committed to protecting the public and ensuring that the rights of victims are carefully observed.
  • ICE can initiate removal (also known as deportation) proceedings against criminal aliens who are convicted of certain crimes.
  • ICE takes custody of the inmate after the criminal alien has completed his or her federal or state criminal sentence.
  • The removal process can take from several days to several months. Generally, the criminal alien remains in custody until ICE can remove the criminal alien to his or her country.
  • On occasion, ICE may not be able remove a criminal alien. This can happen for several reasons — the most common being the inability of ICE to secure travel authorization documents for the alien. Depending on the situation, ICE may have to release the criminal alien under an order of supervision or on bond.

Get Notified

  • In order to be notified, a victim must submit the registration form (found below). Information on the registration form is confidential and will not be disclosed to the criminal alien. Advise the Victim Notification Program if your contact information changes. You may also withdraw your request for notification by contacting the program.
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Victim Notification Program and Registration Form PDF 1.16 MB
Last Updated: 09/01/2022
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