As Chair of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Blue Campaign—the unified voice for DHS’ efforts to combat human trafficking— I have seen first-hand the value of working together to fight this heinous form of modern-day slavery, and prevent future victims from falling into harm’s way. DHS components work every day to end human trafficking, but we cannot do this alone. Close collaboration with other federal, state, local, private sector and community partners across the United States are key to our fight against human trafficking as they better widen our network to identify and rescue victims of this crime and bring the perpetrators to justice.
Ahead of Super Bowl XLIX this weekend, the DHS Blue Campaign is partnering with the Arizona Human Trafficking Council of the Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families, and the City of Phoenix to provide training and awareness materials throughout the state to raise awareness of human trafficking. In recent years, high-profile special events like the Super Bowl have become a lucrative opportunity for criminals who engage in trafficking.
The DHS Blue Campaign’s public awareness materials help individuals and communities identify and recognize indicators of human trafficking, and provide information on how to report suspected cases of human trafficking.
In addition to our partners in Arizona, the DHS Blue Campaign also works with state and local law enforcement, and the education, transportation, and private sectors, as well as neighborhood and community groups and faith-based organizations from across the country. The DHS Blue Campaign is committing to continuing these efforts to help save more lives, protect more innocent individuals, and eradicate this form of modern-day slavery.
While National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month ends tomorrow, our fight endures. Organizations can help us spread awareness about this terrible crime by becoming a partner.
I also encourage everyone to educate themselves on human trafficking by visiting our website. You can use our resources, including our public awareness posters, indicator cards, and law enforcement tools. You can also help us spread the word by sharing our public service announcement and Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ video message on social media. By identifying victims and reporting tips, you are doing your part to help law enforcement rescue victims, and you might save a life.
To learn more about the Blue Campaign and our partners, visit or email