Self-care is not Selfish | Homeland Security
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Self-care is not Selfish

Release Date: March 3, 2022

It’s okay to recognize that you need to take time to focus on yourself.

Have you ever found yourself wondering where the time went at the end of the day? The endless list of things that need to be completed at work and in your personal life sit heavily in the back of your mind as the hours of the day tick by. Before you know it, the day is gone. You try to relax and wind down in the evening, but the nagging feeling that you didn’t accomplish everything you needed to get done sits in the back of your mind. This feeling can be overwhelming and may leave you frustrated or anxious.

Take a minute to think about how you are doing. Perhaps you have set unreasonable expectations on yourself. Maybe you are trying to accomplish too much in a day and you just need some rest. Below are a few reminders to help you prioritize your self-care:

  • Ask for time if you need it.
  • Embrace exhaustion and find time to rest.
  • Find the things that energize you and plan times to incorporate them into your week.
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. You are doing a good job even if it might not feel like it.

Taking time to focus on yourself and regroup allows you to be the best version of yourself. Rest can even allow you to come back and be even more productive than if you continued to push through the exhaustion.

Remember that it’s not a sign of weakness to take a mental health day. It’s okay if you have work to do and the curser on the Word file blinks at you for a couple of hours while you try to figure out what you want to write. It’s okay to walk away, take a break, and regroup. Most importantly, it’s okay if today isn’t the best, you can try again tomorrow.

Your Employee Assistance Program is Here to Support

We are all guilty of pushing through when we really need to take a break. Sometimes the collective “we” comes at the cost of the individual “me.” Sometimes, it is hard to sit back and be okay with the fact that some days are incredibly productive, while others feel like a struggle.

If you find yourself struggling with these feelings and would like additional support with prioritizing self-care, contact your Component Employee Assistance Program (EAP). EAP provides free, confidential counseling to help you cope with your feelings and emotions.

EAP support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For more information or for help in contacting your EAP, contact your DHS Work-Life specialists at

Last Updated: 03/03/2022
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